Thursday 16 August 2012

Doomsday - Now a day to celebrate!

So today was results day, or as most people called it, doomsday, d-day, the end of the world or any variation thereof. I was actually dreading today. I hadn't had any sleep for the past two nights so I got like four hours sleep before waking up. My mum had been trying to convince me for the past week to give her my log in details for the mysite so she could check my results herself, as I didn't want to look online. Of course, I wasn't going to allow this to happen because, well, I can't have anyone knowing my results before me. Although I hear the mysite wasn't working so it probably wouldn't have mattered anyway.

I was originally planning to not check anything online and just go in and pick up my results, but pretty much at the last minute I changed my mind and decided I'll check on Track when it goes live. So when the time came I went on Track..with my mum standing right next to me *sigh*. -_- I logged in and, at first glance, thought it didn't update as it all looked the same as before, until I realised it said unconditional next to Warwick! I cannot explain the feeling of joy that overcame me at that point. I mean, I got into my dream uni, what else could I ask for? And judging from the reception on Twitter and Facebook, it seemed that almost everyone else I knew got into their first choice, so congratulations everyone! I wish you all the best of luck.

So after a while I went to college to pick up results, and I happened to stumble upon Vanessa...and her mum, both of which started talking about my hair. Her mum then proceeded to call me a woman, as you do. After a while, college opened and we proceeded to the sports hall. This time round I could actually manage to open my results myself as I knew I got into uni so it didn't matter too much...turns out I got A*A*AB, in maths, further maths, physics and chemistry respectively. Of course, after a while I decided to add up my A2 UMS scores for physics to find out I WAS 1 UMS AWAY FROM AN A*. DAMN YOU OCR. DAMN YOU! So of course, me being me, I went around and raged. Of course at this point it doesn't matter, but still, dem wuns. I'm just happy for everyone who worked hard and got what they deserved, there's no better feeling than knowing you actually achieved that with your own dedication. It's awesome. Also, I must give a shout out to Graham, who blew everyone away with A*A*A*A*, which if I'm completely honest is absolutely insane.

All I have to say now is congratulations to everyone! A lot of you I will probably never see again, due to whatever circumstances, but I certainly hope you get what want. I'll miss a lot of people, but I guess that's just how it is. So just enjoy yourselves, and remember, maths is the superior subject. Good luck to you all. =]

Friday 1 June 2012

It's all coming to an end...

So today was the last official day of college for the A2 students, and to be honest I really can't believe it's been two years. They've passed by so quickly, it feels like I only started college yesterday. It seems that there are many people complaining about Havering Sixth Form and how supposedly 'shit' it is but I can say with absolute certainty that I did not for a moment regret going there. Admittedly the college itself does seem to be going downhill, but all the people there made it worthwhile going. I've had so many lulz this year in all my classes, but especially my maths class, which I don't think contained a single sane person. After all, you have to be crazy to some extent to choose further maths no?

It's funny because back when I left school it didn't feel like this at all, I couldn't wait to get out of that hell hole. There were a couple of people that I grew close to, but in general most people were pricks and really not worth the effort. Guess that's what you get for going to a school in East London. Then I went to college where I barely knew anyone, and I guess that actually forced to become more sociable. There's been a ridiculous amount of change in the last two years, all of which was for the better I believe, and that's definitely been influenced by some of the people I have met. I'd definitely like to see everyone again, I can't imagine not seeing the people I've become accustomed to after all this time. Hard to believe we're all going our separate ways. It's somewhat surreal I'd say.

Ha, in maths today the D-man cooked brownies and made bread for the class, and even Kathryn came to say goodbye. It would seem that, while she hated us, she still cared. Which was nice. Everyone seemed to love the brownies, which I had none of because, well, I'm me, and I eat healthily. I'll be honest though, I did feel somewhat left out.

Anyway, I guess I just needed somewhere other than twitter to express how I feel about leaving, as 140 characters just doesn't seem to cut it. I will miss everyone, and I wish you all the best of luck in life. But for now, it's time to beast out exams. Have fun. :)

Friday 27 April 2012

The Birthday

I can't believe I haven't blogged in 10 days. All the work and college and laziness is getting to me, and it means that blogging frequency has, sadly, reduced. Anyway, if you couldn't tell by the title, today is my birthday (great day to do the blogging thing again). Now I'm not very big on birthdays, as in all honesty it's just another day to me. I don't know why some people decide "Oh I'm 18 now, I'm all mature blah" I mean really, maturity is a state of mind. After all I'm 18 and I have the mind of a 10 year old. YOLO. I find it particularly annoying when someone asks me what I want, as I usually don't want anything anyway, but of course because of Arab genetics my automatic response to that question is money. And barrels of oil.

The day started off with me being woken up at 12 AM as my friend was calling me. I was asleep at the time, and usually when I wake up I am quite blind, so I immediately hung up thinking it was an alarm. I feel rather bad about it now though, but hey, I need my beauty sleep. So of course, after all that confusion, I returned to sleep...

Later during the day, I was on the train heading to college and Randy got on (this rarely happens, so we spent several seconds in silence cherishing the moment), and we started talking about how we need to get down because it's Friday. You know about that Rebecca Black song. Anyway, we got to college and went our separate ways after meeting Chris, who looked like a spare member of One Direction today, as I headed to chemistry while the black man went to maths.

Chemistry was...interesting. I went in with Chris while were talking about ANALysing and ANALogies. Chris has literally corrupted me so much, and the worst thing is he has that effect on everyone. I remember the times when Randy wasn't so sexually frustrated, but then Chris came (lolol) into the picture and now Randy is just, well, randy. So back to chemistry, Jasmine kept talking to me about how I'm 18 and asked me if I feel any different. While talking about all of this, I actually did chemistry work because I need to learn it. I actually got something right too, woooo!

After chemistry me Fraz and Chris were talking about World of Warcraft (inb4 nerds) when Graham came along and just inserted himself into the conversation. After about 10 minutes, Chris realised he had biology and so he ran upstairs, but returned a few seconds later because he was scared that his teacher would own him in front of the class for being late. What a noob eh? After that shebang me, Fraz and Randy decided to walk Graham to the bus stop as he didn't want to be alone, and on the way there we were talking about proteinz and aesthetics. I swear when you put me, Fraz and Graham within the same area a conversation about aesthetics will always ensue.

We left Graham as he got on his bus, and Randy went to the upper refectory while me and Fraz kept talking about life. Then Fraz's mandem arrived so I left to find the black guy, who gave me the best birthday card ever. I love you too Randy. <3 No homo ofc... Strangely enough it was also the only birthday card I got. I mean I know people hate me, but geez I didn't think it was that bad. :(

Maths was next up on the list, and it was possibly the strangest maths lesson I've had to date, and I've had some pretty strange experiences. The big black man almost gave me beats, but I convinced him otherwise because we're homies. It's good being black. Either way, my birthday was made public during maths thanks to the D-man, who said that when it's a students birthday balloons appear next to their name on the register. He then showed the whole class, who started to sing happy birthday in the most unenthusiastic tone you'll ever hear. It was so embarrassing, I literally wanted to curl up into a ball and hide under the table. I appreciate the sentiment though, so thanks guys. <3

After maths, I was with Randy who kept obsessing about some girl in the year below us who was standing at the end of the atrium. I was scared, both for the girl and Randy's mental health. She then proceeded to leave with some people, and Randy *conveniently* decided that this was an opportune time to go home. So we walked about a cars length behind them, and gave the girl the codename of Lisa, which was inspired by this picture:
We got to the station, which "Lisa" also conveniently was headed to, and Randy wanted to get on the same carriage, but I said no no no. So that was the end of real life stalking, although Randy was telling me about this one time he followed someone to their station. What a stalker.

We departed the train at my station and proceeded to go to my house, where Randy decided to stalk the girl on facebook, and actually found her. Funny what a black guy can do with a first name and the internet. Of course at this point I should mention that Randy doesn't come to my house to visit me, it's because he loves my mum's cooking. *Sigh*

TV shows were needed to be watched, so first off Randy made me watch the first episode of Grey's Anatomy, which I must say looks quite good. Then we watched House, which was awesome as usual, and then I watched Dexter, as Randy fell asleep because he's just not on my level. Poor guy got woken up by my brothers who are absolutely relentless, and they almost suffocated him with the cushion he so loves.

So after a lot of banter, where I think my mum threatened to kill someone, Randy went home, and that was the end of an eventful day. Huzzzah! I do however have one little story to share with you. About a year and a half ago, my mum made cake for my brother's birthday, which was the next day, and put it in the fridge. Everyone then went to sleep because they're all noobs, but I of course stayed up. As we all do, I got hungry so I ventured down to find some food, and to my surprise and utter delight I found a massive cake in the middle of the fridge, so I got a fork and took the plate. I ended up eating three quarters of the cake, and then I went to sleep. The next day I woke up and my mum told me that it was my brother's birthday, which I actually didn't know. So she went to get the cake and surprise, most of it had magically disappeared. I told her you can't just leave cake lying around like that, and then ran away.

This blog post took me ages to write, so I hope you enjoyed it. Bai bai. ^__^

Tuesday 17 April 2012

The return to my breadbins.

So I'm sitting here casually eating a carrot, and I remember that I haven't blogged in a while, so hi everyone! It really has been ages, last time I blogged was about two and a half weeks ago. Sadly throughout the Easter holidays there wasn't much to blog about (surprise surprise). After all, I was meant to be revising, however I must be honest and confess that I began obsessively watching House after downloading the first six seasons. That show is actually amazing! Hugh Laurie is awesome. So yeah, I spent my holidays revising and watching House...mostly watching House, admittedly. Of course, I've realised that I really need to start revising properly, and there's about a month and a half until my first exam. Oh how time flies. -_-

I thought I'd tell you a little bit about my philosophical Saturday first of all. Basically I had spent an all-nighter doing physics, or I tried. It went from 2:30am to 6:30am, and I would have started earlier but Truc kept distracting me on twitter, as we were talking about how we never knew that Eastenders was on from 12am for 2 hours on Saturday. Procrastinating for the win. Anyway, with the assistance of two mugs of coffee, I managed to achieve my goal of completing my all-nighter, only to realise that later during the day I couldn't do any work because I was far too tired. So that didn't go as planned, but I did learn three very important philosophical things, and these were:
1. Trees grow from the ground.
2. Sliced bread is more useful than unsliced bread.
3. I look like a burglar when I'm wearing a hat.
Ah yes, that was a very productive day indeed. 
For some odd reason which I cannot explain though, I haven't been feeling the same for the past week. It feels like all the happiness has been sucked out of me. It's so annoying. God damn it I want my old self back. :/

I feel like this sometimes. Oh Doctor House. <3
Anyway, ever since going back to college, there's suddenly more to blog about! And I didn't blog about yesterday, so I'll try to talk about what happened yesterday and today.
My first lesson on Monday was physics (who doesn't love starting the day with physics? /sarcasm), where I finally saw some of my homies (yeah I call them homies. It's coz I'm black you see) for the first time in over 2 weeks. As expected, everyone's holiday was a hell of a lot more interesting than mine, but I found out that most people didn't revise too much which made me feel a bit better. We went into class and the lesson (if you could call it that) started. A little while later, Fahad walked into the class slightly late which prompted me to say, "Fahad, you bitch!". Apparently it's not acceptable to call someone a bitch when you see them for the first time in two weeks. Who knew? :/

After Physics, we went to maths, where we got our FP2 mocks back, which were absolutely horrendous. I got 45/75, and Graham got 55/75 (that bastard). Kathryn, as usual, was raging about something or other, and made us all change tables.

When maths finished, I had no lessons until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and so I went with Tom and Charlotte to Hornchurch, where we went to Greggs, and they were playing Mexican bandit music there (or so I'm told). Then we headed back to college, went to form, and then we grouped up again and found Hericka. This did not last, sadly, as Tom took Charlotte to chemistry revision, and so me and Hericka walked around, and looked for Randy after a while. Turns out he wasn't in (which I had feared already), but through our travels we had come across Bradley, and me and him started talking about dumb people who cannot work out 1+1 watching The Big Bang Theory and saying it's really funny. Lolwut? Noobs.

I headed to chemistry at 2, where nothing interesting happened, except I got the mock I did back...which shall never be spoken of. Chemistry finished, and I spent an hour talking to Fraz, Arsalan and Truc. Then I went home with Nemo and Truc (who had initially left us -_-).

Then it was Tuesday. Of course, I start late on Tuesdays, but I always go in early anyway, to try and get some work done. Strangely enough, I have a habit of finding someone to talk to and I completely ignore my work. I need to be more disciplined I swear. Me and several people started talking about prison rape, which somehow went onto the British Empire...strange conversation that was.

I had the D-man for my first lesson, where we got out FP4 mocks back. I got 60/75, and Graham got 50/75, and so were on even terms in terms of marks...FP3 was going to be the deciding factor, or the integrating factor as Graham put it (gotta love maths jokes eh?). After maths we had lunch, which I spent with Tom, Charlotte and Graham talking about many things, most of which I can't remember because I have a terrible memory.

Next was maths again, where we got our FP3 mocks back...I got 64/75 (which I was disappointed with, as I thought I did better =[), and Graham got 66/75. The bastard beat me by 2 marks overall. >.>

Physics was up next, where me and Tom had quite an interesting debate about religion, stupid people and North Korea. I think. I also stole Nemo's hat, which apparently made me look silly according to Arsalan and Tom. Pfft haters gon' hate. After physics was done, I waited around a little while in the atrium with some people, who then left me (again. I actually have this suspicion everyone hates me), so I was alone for some time. Then I left, met Fraz, Truc, Lisa, Arsalan and their mandem, and I went home on the District line with Arsalan and Truc.

I hadn't quite realised how much I wrote, or how long it took me, but it is after all my first update in ages, so I hope you like it (if you read it) ^_^. I'll leave you with this quote from House:

Friday 30 March 2012

And the 2 week revision session begins...

We can all be happy that the Easter holidays (which is a complete lie btw, these are NOT holidays. Not for us -.-) have now officially begun. Going to have to do some hardcore work over these two weeks to make up for my procrastination which has been ongoing for several months now. Sadly this, coupled with the fact that there won't be much to do, will probably mean I will end up blogging less *insert sad face here*.

Today we had a physics practical and evaluative, which I was kind of dreading in complete honesty...I'm terrible at anything practical. I literally get so confused and mess everything up, and then get sad that I'm so useless. Anyway, I went in early (as always) to try and do some revision. I was in the quiet area trying to do some work as I got kicked out of the normal place I do work (some noobs with interviews or w/e), but I kept getting distracted by the librarians talking. I mean really, they scold anyone who talks in the library, and yet they talk and disturb everyone? Double standards much.

Nemo came in at about 9:28, and was shortly followed by Fraz and Lisa, and I started talking to them about physics and black people. This did not last very long as the librarians decided to rain on our parade once again, so Nemo *shockingly* went to the back of the library and started revising, and I left with Fraz and Lisa.
In hindsight, I don't know why I decided to leave with them, as it felt rather awkward, so I returned to the library and forced Nemo to come with me (against his will. He's my bitch). We all messed around in the canteen for an unknown amount of time, and then we left for physics.

Ian was looking as hench as ever when he greeted us at physics. Me and Graham believe that he's secretly a bodybuilder and that the whole "frail" thing is just an act. He ushered us into the classroom and we began the dreaded practical...which actually wasn't so bad. I thought it was quite fun actually. ^_^

After all the physics shenanigans, I saw Graham outside my class and we started talking about the practical and evaluative. Of course I only did this so that I have an excuse when he gets higher than me (that boy is a machine...much like Randy). Fraz then proceeded to join us, and we left Graham.

I stayed in college for about 2 more hours just waiting around with Nemo and Tom, watching videos of people getting angry at games. Some people get so frustrated over the simplest things...and you can't help but laugh sometimes. After those two hours, I went home with Nemo and some Somali kid who decided to say "yalla yalla habibi" when I was on the phone to my mum...I swear, these people who think they can speak Arabic just because they've watched The Mummy. -_-

Well, that was pretty much it...nothing great I suppose, but I can't just not update my blog. Not updating feels...wrong. Guess that's it for today, bai. :(

Wednesday 28 March 2012

A day full of maths.

I honestly think mock week will be the death of is actually so damn boring. I barely see anyone, and when I do, all we do is revise. I've honestly had more fun talking to a tree (yes, I have tried to talk to trees...sadly, as you'd expect, they didn't answer. Ruuude).
Today, we had the FP3 and FP4 mocks, which weren't too bad. They went a hell of a lot better than the damned FP2 mock. So yeah.

Anyway, we had FP3 in the morning. I was almost late to that (I got there at 8:30 on the dot) because Manveer wanted me to wait for him at my station, and he said he'd be there at about 8. I waited until 8:10 and then Arsalan came along (I swear that boy always cuts it so fine), and I went with him as Manveer was still at East Ham. I entered the Sports Hall, happy in the knowledge that I could keep my bag, and proceeded to do the paper.

After we finished, I went with Tom And Fahad and we did FP4 revision...until we got stuck on a question, so we went to ask the "D-man" (or Damien as most people know him), and proceeded to get owned. Again. Basically what happened was Tom said, "Damien, you should be in the exam hall next to us and then nudge us whenever we do something wrong." to which Damien replied "Well I'd get quite a sore arm then wouldn't I?"
So much for believing in his students.

We headed to the library after this, where I saw the black guy and shouted "hey black guy" in the middle of the library...with black people. How I have not been murdered/assassinated yet is beyond me. We all sat down in the library and talked about how Raeesah's phone was on some guy's crotch and she "retrieved" it tried to revise.

Time for the FP4 mock came round, so we proceeded towards the sports hall...again.
Loads of people left the exam early, and I can understand why, as there was so much dirty algebra rearrangement and other LONG stuff. :(

When all these shenanigans had ended, I went home on the train with Randy, fish Nemo and Truc. And then they left me. It always happens, I'm always left behind. Makes me kind of sad tbh. 

I thought I would leave you with one of my racist jokes. Let's hope it doesn't get me stabbed *crosses fingers* 
"What did the black kid get for his birthday?
My bike."

Black people. They funneh.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Trains go moo.

Don't let the title of this post mislead you, this post is about neither trains nor moos. I just couldn't think of anything.
So anyway, this week isn't going to be very lively, as it's mock week [yay(!)] and we all love mock week don't we? -_-
I had a chemistry mock yesterday, but we'll get to that in a minute. What I want to share with you is something that happened in the morning that day. Basically my little brother (who's 5 years old) was in the toilet taking a dump (as you do), and he called my mum, and the conversation went somewhere along the lines of:
Sami: Mum, are you cooking?
Mummeh: Why, what do you smell?
Sami: My own poo.
I swear, that boy is so funny. He said it in such a matter of fact tone as well. He'll grow up to be beast.

So anyway, to that chemistry mock...yeah, wasn't too great, missed out a question which I checked in my book afterwards, and it turned out to be so easy. Chemistry is truly my mortal enemy.
After the chemistry mock, I was with Jasmine and Charlotte, and Jasmine showed me her Edinburgh application, and pointed to a little blank box under "application status" if I remember correctly, and was quite worried about it. Good news though, because later that day, she got an offer to do Veterinary Med there, so congratulations Jasmine. ^_^
She took my advice and beasted her interview. Man I give some good advice.

There's not much else to say apart from that, but I'd like to give a special mention to Randy (who knew the black guy had a name?) and the Noobamese, who doesn't know they're the Noobamese just yet, but they'll figure it out. The Noobamese is smart like that.

Oh by the way, if any of you ever get depressed for any reason, listen to this song. I always listen to it when I'm depressed, and it always...errh, yeah, never mind, but here:

Sunday 25 March 2012

Weekend and the man flu.

This weekend was rather uneventful (they always are, as I usually spend them at home being a goblin), apart from the fact that I somehow managed to catch the dreaded man flu. Somehow, during this sunny weather, I was able to catch said man flu. WTF. -_-
Yeah I'm not happy about that. Seems like it's getting better though. Here's hoping. *crosses fingers*

Yesterday we had the chemistry conference, which was being run by no other than Iron Man, but sadly nothing really happened. The highlights of the day were me getting a new book and smelling it (I'm not the only one that does this right?) and finding a new way into college. Exciting stuff(!)

Just as to not make this blog post very short, I decided to share a moment of both rage and confusion from a while back.
Basically, this one time, my mum bought a pack of celery from Asda. Now, I like celery, but I forgot about it and left it in the fridge for quite a while, and one day I remembered about it. So I took it out and checked the back to see if it had an expiry date, and I found a little box on the back, and it read: "Allergy warning; contains celery". A pack of celery, WITH CELERY WRITTEN IN MASSIVE LETTERS AT THE FRONT, may contain celery. Imagine that. Asda not insulting their customers' intelligence there whatsoever.

This sums up how I feel. About most things.
Well, I've ranted for long enough. Hope I didn't bore you/ sound like a 'tard/ both. Bai now. ^_^
But before you go, here's another (somewhat racist) picture. Enjoy.

Friday 23 March 2012

Bruised hands.

Today wasn't a particularly lively or long day, Fridays never are. Fridays are always the day no one is ever concentrating in class because they're all thinking "OMG OMG weekend after this!!1!", and I have to admit, I'm very much the same. It's especially true for today as we have the next three weeks off college (sadly next week is mock fun fun), so everyone was feeling particularly lazy today. As a rather pointless side note, today was the first time I wore a t-shirt since September, and it felt...breezy.

Anyway, I got into college at 8:30 as I had chemistry first, but before doing anything I went to the library to hand in my book which I've been repeatedly taking out for about a year now (and of which I read about 150 pages. I'm such a fast reader it's unreal). Then off to chemistry.
Nothing particularly noteworthy happened in chemistry today, we just did a sheet on hexagons and arrows (or as most people call it, organic chemistry) but I think I'm getting better at it. Wooo. Me, Fraz and Chris decided to start a new meme called 'turtle lord approves'. This came about because Fraz was checking his Tumblr in lesson (how he does this and still understands the work is beyond me) and noticed that he got a new follower. He thought it was Jasmine, so he asked her, "Are you turtle lord?". The look of confusion on Jasmine's face was priceless, and I thought that it was the perfect time to an awkward I did. And I was completely ignored. Thanks guys.
Chris drew a picture of Turtle Lord which looked like a fish, a fly and one of the Persians from 300. Mad drawing skills. Fraz took a picture of it, and I will show you all a picture of Turtle Lord if Fraz remembers to send me it.

After chemistry, me and Fraz waited around in the atrium for the black guy for about 20 minutes. He didn't appear, so I concluded he was drug dealing (again) and Fraz and I started wandering around aimlessly. Eventually we decided to spend some time basking in the arabness of the Sun, and we stayed outside for a while. We walked around afterwards and we went past Nemo's class, and the window was open, so we decided to go up to the window and we shouted "Neeeeemo" and we walked off. 
Nemo is basically this weird Indian guy who can't take chilli as well as me (and he regularly consumes curry) and likes to run around shouting sexual references at people and running away.

When Nemo's lesson finished, I found him and we went on YouTube to watch random videos of...stuff. One of those videos was talking about how Star Wars is racist and how they all fight using big, flashy dildos, which was a fairly accurate ANALogy (see what I did there?). Nemo then gathered several people, and we went to the back of the college to play table tennis. Nothing interesting happened there (except for me getting completely and utterly know, the usual).

I had maths at 12:00, so I had to leave the noobs and go to maths...which is full of other noobs. I found out that a few people read my blog and think it's good, so thanks guys. Much love to you all. <3

Maths finished, and I was waiting around in the atrium with several people, and I somehow managed to initiate a game of slapsies with Oleg, who for all intents and purposes we shall call Big Russian guy (and he had big, scary, Russian hands too). My slapsies game with Big Russian guy lasted for about 10 minutes, and we managed to gather up a little crowd, who felt the pain with each slap. I won't lie, it was painful, and here's a little picture of my hands after the game (I got the worst of it):

Purple hands. Ouch.

After those painful 10 minutes, one of the security guards told us to stop. I'm not quite sure I understood why, but meh. With that we stopped, so in the end no-one won.

I went on the train with Nemo, Samatar and Kate afterwards, with Samatar complaining that he couldn't pay the full price (which was about £6) to see the Hunger Games. Those black people eh? -.-
I waited with Nemo at my stop for his train as he missed his stop, and when the train got there, I left him and went home.

Thursday 22 March 2012

The dreaded Thursday

Thursdays are usually a full day of college for me, and today was no different (except with the dreaded FP2 mock, which we'll get to later). I did some maths work for an hour in the library before heading to chemistry. The thing about chemistry is it used to be fun, until we started doing organic. Now all I see now are hexagons and arrows, and I get lost in them all. Anyway, we did chromatography today, and I was as confused as ever, wondering why things randomly travel up the paper at different rates (I'm such a chemistry noob I know). I usually spend most lessons talking to Jasmine and Fraz and copying their work, as they're better at it than I am *insert sad face here*. At one point in the lesson, our teacher walked around with chromatography paper and said to us, "You're not allowed to touch it...but you can feel it." which got somewhat confusing, I'm not going to lie. :/

When lesson ended, Jasmine left us for crisps (or that's what she said, but she also used to think my name was a sound effect. Oh yeah, and she's white. Jus' sayin'). For the next hour during our maths for uni enrichment class, Fraz was telling me to do STEP I and AEA as today was the deadline for applying to them, and sadly, me being me and all, I agreed. So now I have 9 exams in June. Wonderful.
During lunch, I waited around for the black guy as per usual, and I went with him to the canteen where it was Masinnie's birthday. Randy naturally only went there because of the cake, which was rainbow coloured and loaded with sugar (two things Randy loves. Rainbows and homo). He denies he was just there for the cake but we all know the truth. At one point he completely disappeared, and I thought he just blended in with the background, you know, like a ninja. No racism intended.

I headed to maths (and my doom) after lunch, where we were doing an FP2 mock. AQA maths makes no sense because FP2>FP4>FP3 in terms of difficulty. I swear AQA are the work of the devil.
That maths paper completely annihilated my brain, though I suppose this supports the theory of me storing my mathematical knowledge in my hair (I know some weird people). When we finished, I felt just about ready to cry...and we headed off to physics. But before we get to that, here's a picture that represents me (almost perfectly):

I like physics. It used to be my favourite subject after all, but this year I'm really not feeling it. My teacher is about as good at teaching physics as Cher Lloyd is at not very good. Anyway, me being my productive self I concluded that the Sun is Arab, because apparently people used to think the Sun was just a massive piece of coal, and as we all know, coal is black. But now we know that the Sun is yellow, and Arabs usually come in yellow or black, hence the Sun is an Arab. When I came to this conclusion, Tom just looked at me, shook his head and hit his head on the desk. I also came to the conclusion that this is what Wiz Khalifa is talking about in his song 'Black and Yellow'. This was all while Fraz was trying to vaporise my mind...what a noob eh?

After college finished, I waited for the black guy for a while, then realised he was doing a practical with Bernie (and we can't disturb his Bernie time, oh no) so I headed off with Hericka, Nemo, Chris and a bunch of other noobs to the train station, where there was a bit of a dispute concerning which carriage we should get on. On the train, Chris was talking about how he shaved his chest hair (err...yay?) and we were all...surprised. Then it got onto waxing our scrotums, which sounded quite painful. That conversation had to come to an end [sadly] as I arrived at my station, and left the noobs.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

The beginning...

Well, I've decided to take up the blogging scene due to a combination of boredom, curiosity, people telling me to do it and the want to share random things that I find on teh interwebs. I'm not quite sure what to write as this is my first post, but I suppose saying hi to all the people who convinced me to make a blog makes sense, so hi Randy, Truc, Tom and everyone else. <3

Basically, if you haven't caught on by the title of the blog, I am an Arab (some call me African, others call me Asian, but in fact I'm yellow...and yes I'm aware that yellow isn't a race). Being an Arab is kind of fun, as I'm allowed to be racist (I'm not really, but I like to think so xD). For example, I call "The Randynator" (what a noob name) "the black guy" as he's black. It's begun catching on as now everyone else calls him the black guy, and he gets so frustrated, it's funny ^_^. But you know I love you really man. <3

I also have an obsession with maths, so yes, I am a massive nerd, but you know what? I don't care, because maths is peng. I remember those times in school during maths class, someone would always say "when would we ever use this in real life?"...yeah those people aren't alive anymore. Ah I miss school though, I had some epic times there, and as it was a school in the East End everyone was so racist, it was brilliant (if you're into that sort of thing). I had this one friend who was REALLY dark (imagine charcoal...and that's not an exaggeration) whose name was Durrell, and one time in science the teacher turned off the lights to show us a video and the first thing you heard was "Ah, where's Durrell gone?". Cue hysteric laughter.
Anyway, I think I've rambled on long enough for my first post...I hope you didn't find it too boring. Bai. ^_^