Tuesday 17 April 2012

The return to my breadbins.

So I'm sitting here casually eating a carrot, and I remember that I haven't blogged in a while, so hi everyone! It really has been ages, last time I blogged was about two and a half weeks ago. Sadly throughout the Easter holidays there wasn't much to blog about (surprise surprise). After all, I was meant to be revising, however I must be honest and confess that I began obsessively watching House after downloading the first six seasons. That show is actually amazing! Hugh Laurie is awesome. So yeah, I spent my holidays revising and watching House...mostly watching House, admittedly. Of course, I've realised that I really need to start revising properly, and there's about a month and a half until my first exam. Oh how time flies. -_-

I thought I'd tell you a little bit about my philosophical Saturday first of all. Basically I had spent an all-nighter doing physics, or I tried. It went from 2:30am to 6:30am, and I would have started earlier but Truc kept distracting me on twitter, as we were talking about how we never knew that Eastenders was on from 12am for 2 hours on Saturday. Procrastinating for the win. Anyway, with the assistance of two mugs of coffee, I managed to achieve my goal of completing my all-nighter, only to realise that later during the day I couldn't do any work because I was far too tired. So that didn't go as planned, but I did learn three very important philosophical things, and these were:
1. Trees grow from the ground.
2. Sliced bread is more useful than unsliced bread.
3. I look like a burglar when I'm wearing a hat.
Ah yes, that was a very productive day indeed. 
For some odd reason which I cannot explain though, I haven't been feeling the same for the past week. It feels like all the happiness has been sucked out of me. It's so annoying. God damn it I want my old self back. :/

I feel like this sometimes. Oh Doctor House. <3
Anyway, ever since going back to college, there's suddenly more to blog about! And I didn't blog about yesterday, so I'll try to talk about what happened yesterday and today.
My first lesson on Monday was physics (who doesn't love starting the day with physics? /sarcasm), where I finally saw some of my homies (yeah I call them homies. It's coz I'm black you see) for the first time in over 2 weeks. As expected, everyone's holiday was a hell of a lot more interesting than mine, but I found out that most people didn't revise too much which made me feel a bit better. We went into class and the lesson (if you could call it that) started. A little while later, Fahad walked into the class slightly late which prompted me to say, "Fahad, you bitch!". Apparently it's not acceptable to call someone a bitch when you see them for the first time in two weeks. Who knew? :/

After Physics, we went to maths, where we got our FP2 mocks back, which were absolutely horrendous. I got 45/75, and Graham got 55/75 (that bastard). Kathryn, as usual, was raging about something or other, and made us all change tables.

When maths finished, I had no lessons until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and so I went with Tom and Charlotte to Hornchurch, where we went to Greggs, and they were playing Mexican bandit music there (or so I'm told). Then we headed back to college, went to form, and then we grouped up again and found Hericka. This did not last, sadly, as Tom took Charlotte to chemistry revision, and so me and Hericka walked around, and looked for Randy after a while. Turns out he wasn't in (which I had feared already), but through our travels we had come across Bradley, and me and him started talking about dumb people who cannot work out 1+1 watching The Big Bang Theory and saying it's really funny. Lolwut? Noobs.

I headed to chemistry at 2, where nothing interesting happened, except I got the mock I did back...which shall never be spoken of. Chemistry finished, and I spent an hour talking to Fraz, Arsalan and Truc. Then I went home with Nemo and Truc (who had initially left us -_-).

Then it was Tuesday. Of course, I start late on Tuesdays, but I always go in early anyway, to try and get some work done. Strangely enough, I have a habit of finding someone to talk to and I completely ignore my work. I need to be more disciplined I swear. Me and several people started talking about prison rape, which somehow went onto the British Empire...strange conversation that was.

I had the D-man for my first lesson, where we got out FP4 mocks back. I got 60/75, and Graham got 50/75, and so were on even terms in terms of marks...FP3 was going to be the deciding factor, or the integrating factor as Graham put it (gotta love maths jokes eh?). After maths we had lunch, which I spent with Tom, Charlotte and Graham talking about many things, most of which I can't remember because I have a terrible memory.

Next was maths again, where we got our FP3 mocks back...I got 64/75 (which I was disappointed with, as I thought I did better =[), and Graham got 66/75. The bastard beat me by 2 marks overall. >.>

Physics was up next, where me and Tom had quite an interesting debate about religion, stupid people and North Korea. I think. I also stole Nemo's hat, which apparently made me look silly according to Arsalan and Tom. Pfft haters gon' hate. After physics was done, I waited around a little while in the atrium with some people, who then left me (again. I actually have this suspicion everyone hates me), so I was alone for some time. Then I left, met Fraz, Truc, Lisa, Arsalan and their mandem, and I went home on the District line with Arsalan and Truc.

I hadn't quite realised how much I wrote, or how long it took me, but it is after all my first update in ages, so I hope you like it (if you read it) ^_^. I'll leave you with this quote from House:

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