Tuesday 27 March 2012

Trains go moo.

Don't let the title of this post mislead you, this post is about neither trains nor moos. I just couldn't think of anything.
So anyway, this week isn't going to be very lively, as it's mock week [yay(!)] and we all love mock week don't we? -_-
I had a chemistry mock yesterday, but we'll get to that in a minute. What I want to share with you is something that happened in the morning that day. Basically my little brother (who's 5 years old) was in the toilet taking a dump (as you do), and he called my mum, and the conversation went somewhere along the lines of:
Sami: Mum, are you cooking?
Mummeh: Why, what do you smell?
Sami: My own poo.
I swear, that boy is so funny. He said it in such a matter of fact tone as well. He'll grow up to be beast.

So anyway, to that chemistry mock...yeah, wasn't too great, missed out a question which I checked in my book afterwards, and it turned out to be so easy. Chemistry is truly my mortal enemy.
After the chemistry mock, I was with Jasmine and Charlotte, and Jasmine showed me her Edinburgh application, and pointed to a little blank box under "application status" if I remember correctly, and was quite worried about it. Good news though, because later that day, she got an offer to do Veterinary Med there, so congratulations Jasmine. ^_^
She took my advice and beasted her interview. Man I give some good advice.

There's not much else to say apart from that, but I'd like to give a special mention to Randy (who knew the black guy had a name?) and the Noobamese, who doesn't know they're the Noobamese just yet, but they'll figure it out. The Noobamese is smart like that.

Oh by the way, if any of you ever get depressed for any reason, listen to this song. I always listen to it when I'm depressed, and it always...errh, yeah, never mind, but here:

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